Online sessions in Dutch or English
Online I do tarot and aura reading, spiritual coaching, astrology and numerology.

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Giselle Spiritual
I am Giselle and I have a special gift that allows me to see more than you can perceive with the naked eye. About things in the past, the present and the future.
People tell me all the time how valuable my insights are and how it helps them make the right choices in their lives.
I lay your tarot cards, do readings, aura readings, practice Reiki, Yoga and spiritual coaching.
I’m certified Yoga instructor and a life coach in training.
I work online or by appointment.
+32 456 01 85 30
About Giselle
I am Giselle and born with a special gift to see more of what you can perceive with the naked eye.
This has become stronger and stronger over the years.
People keep telling me how valuable they find my insights and how it helps them to make the right choices in life.
It also gives them peace of mind to know more about the future.
I can see the depth in events, from the past in the now and in the future.
Besides tarot cards I am very experienced in readings, Aura readings and Reiki.
I have gained experience in Europe, but also especially in Asia, which has made me very competent on a spiritual level.

Cocoa ceremony
Up to 3 people.
During this unique and luxurious session I use the beneficial effect of cocoa for a healing meditation, breath work, singing, music and other ceremonial elements…

Tarot cards
I like to use the Tarot cards as a tool to see what is coming.
This in combination with birthdates, names and specific questions or points in your life where you need to choose a certain path, make a decision or want to follow a certain path…
Readings and aura readings
In this way I can help you answer questions about yourself, better understand events in your life, make decisions and protect yourself from negativity or things that come at you that you need to watch out for…

Reiki means universal (Rei) life energy (Ki) and a natural way of healing where life energy is passed on, which was rediscovered in Japan by Japanese doctor Mikao Usui.
Reiki is a natural way of healing whereby life energy is passed on, usually during a table treatment where a laying on of hands is used…
Spiritual cleansing
Clean your body of all negative energies.
Have you ever been so happy but someone (or something) completely stomped your good mood into the mud? That person or situation likely attached its negative energy to your Aura! It’s so important to protect yourself from bad energy that lowers your vibration & throws off your goals & dreams!
I will clean your soul and aura of all negative energies…

Luxury packages
These are composite packages from tarot, reiki and gemstone treatment that offer you a luxurious experience….